
Ya know, there are just some products that are plain great, and some that aren't. Whatever the case, you can count on me to be honest, whether I'm getting paid or not.

Stanley 95-155 3-in-1 Tripod LED Flashlight

Beau, our brother-in-law, got this for Jared for Christmas this year, and it is the coolest thing ever! You should really click on the Amazon link above and check out the pictures of all the neat things it does. But my favorite is that I can point one of the heads down at my feet and still shine in front of us when we're walking at night. But here's how I used it last night to clean our storage unit:

It made sweeping at 8pm sooo much easier! Speaking of making sweeping so much easier:

Everholder FURemover Broom

We use this for everything, not just fur. It's very sturdy and actually does what it says! The best part is that you don't have to make multiple passes to get everything up! Plus it's cheap! Ok, so this is gross, but this only took me like ten minutes, and I was moving slow yesterday.

Yep, that's a year's worth of crickets...

I just found this and had to share it right now!

Lego Molds

They are ice cube trays that make little Lego men and blocks! The possibilities are endless with these things! We could not only have ice, but we could make chocolates, candy, crayons, soap, and I'm sure some other stuff that I haven't thought of yet. Sorry for all the exclamations, I'm easily excitable :)

Arm's Reach Mini Co-Sleeper

This is a complete life saver to anyone bringing a newborn baby home from the hospital. I had this with my last two kiddos, and I don't think I would've gotten any sleep without it. It's a bassinet that goes right beside your bed. One of the sides drop down, so it's like your baby is in the bed with you, but they're not. The side can go back up, for a stand alone bed also. It's a safe sleeping option for moms that want to keep baby as close as possible. It's worth every penny! Oh yeah, it folds up like a pack n play, so you can take it anywhere (like the living room during nap time, or Grandma's for a night out)!

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