Our House

Ok, so the day after Jared's sister, Joey, got married in mid September, we got this run down house on 40 acres in Frognot, TX. Its ok that you don't know where that is, I don't think it's an actual town. Just a water tower. Every single person that comes out has the same reaction to the place. We walk through the house first, which literally looked like it was falling down until recently,

and we get vague nods and 'what did you get yourself into' looks. Then Jared takes them out to see the property.

By the time they get back to the house, they are enthusiastically suggest wall colors and flooring choices. There are four pastures that are cross fenced and treed in. It's so secluded and quiet here, that you forget that you're only an hour from Dallas. We have a giant pecan tree and two ponds. Don't let me fool you, it hasn't rained here all year. So, there's not much water in the ponds, but the banks make for good target practice at the Chaney Gun Range.

Oh yeah, that's the biggest appeal to everyone; they don't have to pay to shoot their guns. Our brother in law comes out every weekend to shoot guns and drive his remote control car. (That shall be the subject of another post. He he)

So far, to fix the house, we've fixed three water leaks just to get the water to the house.

We dug holes under the house, and jacked up the foundation to help level the house some. It's a cinderblock house, and when we got the house, there were some cracks in the wall that you could stick your arm all the way through- from inside to outside. So we got the floors as level as we could, and then used cement patcher to mend the cracks.

We've pretty much completed our boys' room, and that's where we stay on the weekends. We've painted and installed flooring in there.

So here's what the boys room looked like when we got the house:

And here's what it looks like now:

Well, actually we've put a bed in there since, but I'll update again when I have the room completed for my boys.

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