Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Box

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and my 8 year old had to have a decorated box for his class party. He decided he wanted it to look like a truck. Well, we put it off until the last minute, and had to throw something together pretty quick. I wanted to share it with y'all.

Sorry there's no picture of the process, like I said, we were in a hurry. Also, these pictures were taken after he came home. That's why some of our flames and a license plate are half falling off. So, this is made out of a shoebox and a pop tarts box. The windows are strips of duct tape, and I got on the computer and printed out some flames and made custom license plates. We stuck heart stickers on as headlights.

My younger son is very jealous of this truck, so we decided to make an even better one this weekend. I will take pictures of that one, I swear!

On a side note about Valentine's Day, I bought three heart baloons from the dollar store for $1 a piece: 1 for each kid. BEST IDEA I'VE EVER HAD! I got a sweet hug from Jett (age 6) with a "You're the best, Mom." Jace (age 8: thinks he's too cool for everything) gave me a guinuine smile, and uttered "cool" as he walked off. And June (age 2) screamed and squeeled for a few minutes, and then spent hours giggling and playing with it. Best $3 I've ever spent; I have definately found a new tradition!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Stanley Flashlight and FURemover Broom

So, we finally got all our stuff out of our rented storage building last night. Yea!! I hate paying to put your stuff somewhere! But it inspired me to tell you about a couple of products that were integral to our success. Since it's winter, it's dark at 6pm. Jared doesn't usually get off work until after 5. So, this time of year, if we have anything to do after Jared gets off work, we're going to be doing it in the dark. Enter:

Stanley 95-155 3-in-1 Tripod LED Flashlight

Beau, our brother-in-law, got this for Jared for Christmas this year, and it is the coolest thing ever! You should really click on the Amazon link above and check out the pictures of all the neat things it does. But my favorite is that I can point one of the heads down at my feet and still shine in front of us when we're walking at night. But here's how I used it last night:

It made sweeping at 8pm sooo much easier! Speaking of making sweeping so much easier:

Everholder FURemover Broom

We use this for everything, not just fur. It's very sturdy and actually does what it says! The best part is that you don't have to make multiple passes to get everything up! Plus it's cheap! Ok, so this is gross, but this only took me like ten minutes, and I was moving slow yesterday.

Yeah, that's a year's worth of crickets...

Finally, I would like to put out in the world a great big thank you to my husband. Jared, you are a brilliant man, and your moving abilities never cease to amaze me. Lol But seriously, he loaded 2 refrigerators, a washer and dryer, our couch, and a 7 ft tall wooden bookshelf onto a tiny trailer in like 15 minutes. Pretty much by himself too. We have found over the years of moving things, that it works out best if I help when told to or just stay out of the way.

Love this man!